1 min readSep 14, 2021


Mistakes and the lessons we learn

It started with a hat. I saw it and what it represented instead of seeing it for what it was .. a copy.

We’ve all been there, a shop or a table on a busy city street, a wall in the subway and something shiny catches our eye .. maybe it’s something someone else has or something we used to have. We tell ourselves if given the chance we’d still want it, or maybe even take it back.

The problem is, we change. Forget the seasons of fashion, the seasons of life change us more quickly than we realize. The what, who, where and when begins to fade in comparison to the what could be, the who we are at our best, the where we feel most alive and the when not.

Life is too short to read the same books, be captivated by the same shiny objects, or listen to the same lines over and over again. Patterns are not habits or routines or even rituals. Patterns are toxic. Patterns will burn you and your life to the ground.

So my resolution for this next year of life is to break the cycles, the patterns, the toxicity; reignite my passions and good habits, look to ritual and prayer and reflection; and celebrate life because we only get one shot at it.

Courage is forged in the fire, but it doesn’t mean we have to stay standing in the flames.

